
Worse than Entitlement

Some time ago I wrote a piece about a class of people who deem themselves entitled to certain position, authority or influence. I was talking about the ruling class, or moneyed class and the folks who have nothing to do but figure out how to control others. Surely, they are still with us. But there is another, equally sinister group: candidates for office.

Combine the ego and ambition of the two groups and the citizenry is surely doomed. The yard sign incident was almost laughable. Who thought a candidate would even care so long as he got sufficient visibility from the location. By the way, another candidate was similarly pressured, but reminded the supporter about personal and public character and integrity – nice touch. Yet a combined strategic force similar to F-22 fighter jocks taking orders from Gen. Chuck Horner converged this campaign season.

If you are not with me… There are candidates for office who even try to influence their friends inappropriately. The brow beating goes like this, “Yeah, but why would you sell your wares to so-and-so? He is my opponent! I don’t care how you make a living; I have a campaign to run. You know I will remember this after the election!”

Then there is the honest, wholesome approach that sends some supporters on a nut-job tirade. Their candidate is the God fearing community icon who uses their church affiliation like a badge of political honor. Let a reporter or blogger write something they don’t like and stand back. The writer must be paid-off. The publication owner must be biased and unfair. Everyone who is “not with me” is a liar!

In a time not so long ago it would have been my sworn duty to report every candidate’s name and lambaste them for such arrogance. But now I am also trapped by friendships and loyalties. I must now protect my sources. But you already know who I am talking about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry, you are correct my friend.
People often become someone you never knew when it comes to an election. Normal everyday people become visibly vengeful and shaken during an election season. It is like opposing armies lining up to do battle. They forget that when the election is over they have to live with each other. In the dawn of every good reporter they find themselves having sources to protect and relationships to maintain. Being a reporter can be a two edged sword. You are to be commended for your efforts to bring about the things that are never reported in the general pages of our news outlets. Thank you sir.

June 22, 2008 11:27 PM  

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