
The Politically Correct Veto

As you read this, keep in mind that an illegal alien driving without a license killed a Cobb County Deputy on New Years Eve. That Deputy left behind a wife and baby. The accident was by no means unusual as they happen every day around the country.

There is no purpose in citing statistics for highway deaths. Or, the problems with American citizens who drive without a license.

But there is a strong point to be made regarding illegal aliens who cannot speak English, read road signs, or display any respect for either laws or the reasons for having them. It is that issue that the makes the New Year’s Eve incident a tragedy that can be addressed.

There is strong political pressure to side with Bush and the Democrats on open borders. The RINOs in Congress are jockeying to build images and political capital. Even Captain Sonny Perdue of the Good Ship Open Borders is playing along. It is sickening.

Senate Bill 15 sought to increase the penalties for driving without a valid license. In addition to other punishments, it provided that a first offense would result in a misdemeanor to be punished by imprisonment of at least two days and not more than twelve days. It also authorized a $500 to $1,000 fine for first offenses.

Although judges would have discretion to suspend the fines or period of imprisonment if the new resident had a valid driver's license from another state, Perdue exercised his veto power to kill the bill. Although he expressed “support for the intent of tracking persons that possess no valid driver’s license, “ he saw too many potential problems with enforcement.

Enforcement. That is the key problem for too many politicians. There is no will to enforce our borders, or even strengthen traffic laws.

Nobody can overlook the fact this proposed law was strongly opposed by immigrant activist groups. Even the liberally biased AJC reported Perdue’s veto was a result of their efforts. Perdue recognized the big picture of legal Georgians vs. Chambliss and Isakson; South Georgia farmers and their plea for slave labor; huge pressures to avoid following in Arizona’s footsteps and denouncing either Senators or the President. Perdue must have been laughing under his breath to say he cared about ”the intent of tracking persons” when that is a needed practice for identifying and apprehending illegals - and others who willfully and repeatedly violate our laws.

SB 15 would have been the law for legal and illegal alike. That is why it had to be killed. Fair is only fair when there is no chant of racism, bigotry or xenophobia. When the good people of Georgia revisit the ballot boxes it is certain they will remember the politically correct politicians who propose to elevate illegals and other law-breakers above honest, law-abiding citizens. The death of this law is just one example of a state and nation going astray at the hands of its leaders.


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