
SPLOST Is A Fair Tax

So you hate taxes? You want smaller government. Special interests may rule the day in some corners, and political agendas can account for government waste. This letter is not about specific politicians or whether you disagree with someone. It is about results we can see.

The best we can hope for is a fair tax - a consumption tax – and a government that recognizes what we really need. Thankfully, we in Henry County have a solid five-year record of managing SPLOST revenue that the county and citizens can be proud of.

We complain about traffic congestion, and rightly so. But we must recognize that managing growth is a matter for the board of commissioners and our city councils. If there are too many new houses or strip malls or crowded schools, then those are policy issues we citizens must address with elected officials.

Just think about life in Henry County five years ago. Jonesboro Road was 2-lane with no traffic lights. The East Lake Extension was not even started. The Eagles Landing Bridge was dream. The County has allocated over $13 million to major road improvements. Over $10 million has been allocated to intersection improvements. Everyone can see there is progress.

Yes, Henry County still has dirt roads. And SPLOST II accounts for nearly $45 million in paving, resurfacing and improving them. Over $4 million has been dedicated to bridge improvements. It is a complex job to meet safety and usability concerns, especially when new development and schools are opening across the county. Nearly a year remains to collect the current sales tax, and about $74 million is already dedicated to transportation.

Of course there are parks, activity centers, fire stations and libraries. These are included as capital projects. So far SPLOST has accounted for over $24 million in new buildings, and almost $11 million toward parks.

Yeah, I hate taxes, too. And I am proud that Henry County has managed SPLOST II with a keen eye and a sharp pencil. In November we will be asked to vote to continue this sales tax for another five or six year term. When we look at the final list of newly proposed projects, think how far we have come and how much more can be done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh larry, you sound like an elected official with a hard on for sticking it to the people that pay the taxes in this county. splost was mismanaged, that is why it was voted down just a few years back, remember, then around election time when splost was reintroduced the citizenry here in good ole henry got an ear full of proposed property tax increases if splost dare to be voted down again. and it worked. my fellow countians , the idiots, fell for this ploy and viola, splost was voted back into existance. dont brag about the management of this needless tax, there are a few of us that see your comments for what they are. lies. j. johnson.

October 05, 2007 4:00 PM  
Blogger Larrys said...

You and I agree on a number of things. The lies about property taxes going up or down due to SPLOST being one.

Apparently yuo have been around long enough to live through the circular motions of our BoC. So remember back to 1996 through 2000. Remember the $10 million that was actually unaccounted for? Remember the courthouse debacle? Remember almost all of the transportation side of SPLOST going toward promotion of special interests like home builders and other developers?

Now, come up to 2007. Can you argue that the current program was operated and managed so poorly as the first program?

I thought not.

I was not elected, and I have no personal desire to buy anyone's vote with senior centers, geriatric pools, or elaborate athlectic facicilites.

As for paying taxes, I am also fed up with the annual increases in property tax, add-on stormwater taxes they call fees, 7% sales tax. And I will gladly compare property tax bills with anyone in the county.

My editorial was about the huge positive difference in management of this current program. I was not talking about polticization of the program or the expenditures.

Now, please read the rest of my editorial comments, mostly posted at or published at the Henry Daily Herald. And please, stay up with the rest of the class.

October 05, 2007 4:59 PM  

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