
Integration & Assimilation

This week in the Henry Times, Josh Clarke asked, “Will the presence of these undocumented residents keep our entire Hispanic population from ever fully integrating?” The answer is complex because the concept of integration and assimilation held by most Americans is not the reality of the situation. Our own president, many members of Congress, and liberal think tanks promote removing our national borders and sacrificing our culture to create a new world order. That New Order homogenizes all of North America, so US citizens are rightfully concerned about the welcome mat.

We have county solicitors who do not care, state senators who refuse to acknowledge, and tax-funded medical centers spinning their own investment in expanded services. Note that all of these public officials are feeding at the public trough, accessing tax dollars to fund their own existence. The politics of the matter results in lies and half-truths.

President Bush, Mexico’s Fox and Canada’s Martin issued a joint statement that each of the countries are “mutually dependent and complementary” and stated the Security and Prosperity Partnership goal as helping: “Consolidate our action into a North American framework to confront security and economic challenges, and promote the full potential of our people, addressing disparities and increasing opportunities for all.” US Rep. Ron Paul calls the SPP “an unholy alliance of foreign consortiums and officials from several governments.”

The Council on Foreign Relations presented a report to the SPP within months of its founding entitled “Building A North American Community.” The CFR based this document, a blatant blueprint for a North American “union,” on SPP’s stated goals.

At the national level Congress has refused to take actions demanded by citizens, even ignoring the plight of many US cities. In Georgia, the “sweeping legislation” passed this year left gaping holes and especially left employers unaccountable. In both cases the Supply of Jobs is touted as needing illegals for fill The Demand for labor.

Let’s look at the high cost of cheap labor from the Center for Immigration Studies. With nearly two-thirds of illegal aliens lacking a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments.

On average, the costs that illegal households impose on federal coffers are
less than half that of other households, but their tax payments are only
one-fourth that of other households.

Many of the costs associated with illegals are due to their American-born
children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth. Thus, greater efforts at
barring illegals from federal programs will not reduce costs because their
citizen children can continue to access them.

Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in
costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes,
creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal

The Center For Individual Freedom posts statistics regarding prison populations, criminal activity, and militant pro-amnesty groups. Most Americans believe that illegal aliens are overcrowding our schools and jails, mobbing our health-care facilities and gobbling up welfare benefits. One typical survey, conducted before the election by The Polling Company/Woman Trend, found the following:

• 66% of likely American voters said the population growth triggered by
illegal immigration would "negatively affect the quality of life in America."

• Hispanics by a ration of 6-1 said the quality of life where they
live would be worse rather than better with more immigration.

• With African-Americans it was 9-1. With Democrats it was 7-1, for Independents 10-1, for Republicans 14-1.

Cities and counties across the United States are taking unilateral action because there is no support from the federal government. Even when illegals are arrested and jailed, federal agencies are not particularly willing to press deportation. Conflicting policies and lack of needed enforcement creates and fosters an underground society of illegals.

A case in point recently happened in Emmanuel County where the Crider chicken processing plant was raided and over 700 illegals fled the county. Crider, a large Georgia agribusiness employer, complains that it must now increase its wages. Further, Crider officials say they cannot find legal Americans who can pass background checks required for employment. In truth the illegals were found to have fraudulently duplicated social security cards, a fact Crider human resources staff had to know. When forty percent of your hourly workers share common identification a red flag must arise. What of the underground society? Many of the illegals are believed to have relocated to Kentucky where enforcement of our laws remains nonexistent.

Henry County solicitor Chuck Spahos says he is ambivalent about the issue of illegal immigrants living among natural and documented citizens. When illegals are arrested for misdemeanors like having no driver’s license, they are fined and released.

State senator Jones says, "I have not seen any empirical data that suggests to me these people are benefiting from the system.”

Henry Medical Center’s Emergency Room Director, Mike Crumbley, reports that his ER is not seeing any problems from illegal immigrants. "We may see two or three a week," he said. "What we’re seeing are injuries from construction sites and complications with pregnancies.

HMC became concerned enough about illegal immigrants with pregnancy
complications that it opened Henry Healthcare Prenatal Clinic in November. The
clinic takes only indigent and Medicaid patients, many of them illegal
immigrants. This is something of a radical response to the issue of illegal
immigration, but Crumbley says that it’s a part of medicine from a
community-owned hospital.

We have county solicitors who do not care, state senators who refuse to acknowledge, and tax-funded medical centers spinning their own investment in expanded services. Note that all of these public officials are feeding at the public trough, accessing tax dollars to fund their own existence. The politics of the matter results in lies and half-truths.

Official and legalized loyalty to feeding from the public dole, opening doors to corporate profits, refusing to take action – these factors confuse and complicate the answer Josh Clarke seeks. Just one year of forced fiscal accountability - off the public dole - and these liberals would see things far more clearly. But it will never happen until Americans slam the doors on elected and appointed officials who continually pour our money and resources into the socialist system of freebies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preach it!!! I completely agree. Glad to have found another local illegal immigration fighter on the net. Keep up the good work!

December 11, 2006 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for an insightful article. Even though I think I pay attention, I still don't have time to get all the information. Unfortunaly, most citizens are so darn busy working or raising kids that we barely have any time to wade through the muck of what is REALLY going on around here. We have to pay our property taxes, sales taxes, phone taxes, water taxes, and on and time to be educated is slim. A sad excuse.

December 21, 2006 1:56 PM  

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