
Which End Is Up?

The Dow Jones Average is holding above 12,000. Unemployment is now at 4.6%, and only 2% among college graduates. The Consumer Confidence Index is up.

But there are real anger points we hear every day. The Republican majority in Congress has failed to deliver on immigration, controlling spending, decisive and aggressive pursuit of victory in Iraq. They have not been conservative enough for the values voters who elected them to go all the way. Choose your poison, and ask yourselves whether a liberal, Democrat Congress would even come close.

Yet frustration is worsened by confusing messages. A border guard was sentenced to eleven years in prison for shooting a drug smuggler. A UT-Austin law professor (AJC Oct. 19) proclaims the US Constitution is flawed and the European model is superior. Liberals continually flood the media with negativity about “stolen elections,” comparisons of US troops to cruel despots of the Gulags and the Pol Pot regime, sermons on US inability to win against terror and that all foreign policy is misguided. There is a print and video barrage of mental and psychological abuse against the nation. We are told that Christian conservatives are mere uneducated buffoons.

We are reminded that ‘real liberals’ are rewarded with Congressional committee chairs and applause. Rep. Gerry Studds, a Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts served from 1973 until 1997. He was the first openly gay national politician in the U.S. In 1983, he admitted to having had an affair with a 17-year-old page in 1973. Studds was a descendant of Elbridge Gerry, the governor of Massachusetts who is commemorated in the word 'gerrymander'. He was the son of (Gerry) Eastman Studds, an architect who helped design the FDR Drive in New York City. Political Correctness places Liberal heroes and icons above reproach.

There is an organized, well financed strategy. It is imperative to convince voters that we, as a nation, are beyond repair. We must become one with the world, to the point of equalizing and normalizing ourselves with socialist and other failed economic & political systems. We must pursue dialog with purveyors of terror, because we simply cannot defeat them. We cannot act decisively against any nation, regardless of security threat, because we are already spread too thin. We must share our technologies and economic clout with the world, creating open and unrestricted trading partners – as the only way to insure our own security. We must eliminate poverty and therefore eliminate the anger that fosters terrorism. Clearly the United States is in a tenuous economic position, and we must accept and conform to a personality disorder called codependency to survive.

In truth there is no clash of cultures behind hatred of the United States. Culture is the one redeeming quality among nations; it fosters individuality and sense of self. The fact Americans must accept is that despots, tyrants and truly evil regimes arise and must be acknowledged realistically. Hatred of America’s uniqueness is found within our borders and often preached from the halls of Congress and echoed in our liberal media. The existence of worldwide terrorism is not new, and its personality is well defined throughout history. In its infancy the United States faced down Muslim marauders on the Barbary Coast. In the 20th century containment was pursued through alliances with Middle Eastern allies. Our embassies and naval vessels are bombed, attacks are suffered on our own soil, riots are shaking Paris, rail stations are attacked in Madrid and London. This eminent threat is not about cultural differences and cannot be resolved through appeasement.

This is a war. Although specific nations harbor, promote and finance the evil regimes defining and isolating the enemy remains illusive. It is not politically correct, and American Liberals will not tolerate, that America should aggressively pursue our enemies. It is not conventional war, and every political and economic weapon is used. In Spain, Al-Qaeda (and its followers) performed a successful test toward affecting national elections – with a bombed railway. Al-Qaeda repeated the scenario in London, and won the resignation of Prime Minister John Major. Neither France nor Germany will support sanctions against Iran’s nuclear programs because of economic and trading alliances. Our enemies have found apologists here at home, and their influence is broadly based.

The strategy from Liberal apologists is to divide the nation’s voters. Evangelical Christians who traditionally form the core of ‘values voters’ are sidetracked, told that global warming, caused by man, is ignored y Republicans. Since man is God’s caretaker and steward, Republicans are therefore evil. They are reminded that former Rep. Foley, a sexual deviant, is a Republican. Republicans are therefore evil. They are told that fighting terror is a no-win battle that is both illegal and immoral. Republicans are therefore evil. The all-out effort to gain power over the government is reminiscent of “Roosevelt’s gonna save us all.” You can almost hear a refrain of John Lennon’s,
“Imagine there’s no country
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace”

Our own mid-term elections, three weeks from now, will surely be affected. If Liberal Democrats take over Congress, our enemies will have bragging rights.


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