
The Cold War v2

Lest anyone think this nation is not at war, we are! I am reminded of Section 3, Article 1, of the Articles of War approved by Congress on 20 September 1776, which specified that the oath of enlistment read: "I _____ swear (or affirm as the case may be) to be true to the United States of America, and to serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies and opposers whatsoever. Today the oath of enlistment in US military service specifically recognizes that our nation has enemies within our borders. The current oath includes, "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States."

Wow! The power of those words is awesome. The self denial required is almost unimaginable. A life dedicated to honoring, defending and protecting our nation. How many members of the US Congress, the mainstream press, or MoveOn spend their days denigrating the very meaning of those words?

Raised a military brat, I was always aware of honor, discipline and the tradition of fealty to the United States. Ask a Marine and learn that Semper Fi (Always Faithful) is not simply a slogan. My father, a Coastie for 31 years, ensured that I understood Semper Peratus (Always Ready) is a way of life. I argue that today's enemies pray we are not Faithful or Ready to defend our nation from either the domination of warring zealots abroad or the incipient socialist regime at home.

While power hungry politicians slander the president and his administration with lies, our mainline media outlets eagerly light the pyre for human sacrifice. We already know of the deliberate lies promulgated by Armitage at the State Department (Plame-gate), Dan Rather's demise, the truth about WMDs, and countless other smoke screens. There is no limit to, or concern for damage that may be caused to our nation; only power and control and ego are important. These people are the enemies of the United States.

We cannot assign real historical meaning to words like liberal and conservative, as the meanings have generational connotations. Jeffersonian Republicans evolved from espousing dedication to a republican, liberty defining government through representation of then-conservative beliefs into today’s Democratic Socialist Party. Left and Right invoke images of “Right hand of God” or nobles sitting at the Right Hand of the king. We should avoid purely religious themes or invocation of tyranny. The inability to correctly attribute single-term descriptions opens the door to interpretations and prevents addressing the basic issues. This treatise will use an acronym: AAF, to depict Anti-American Forces.

Ronald Reagan led a personal 40-year struggle against and final triumph over Communism. His story is presented in Reagan’s War by Peter Schweizer. His heartfelt beliefs and real life experiences revealed something more than a clash of political ideologies. He saw an epic battle between Good and Evil. His declaration of the Soviet Union as an evil empire drew criticism from AAF. His policies utilizing every economic, diplomatic and military resource were understood by AAF, but opposed because the objective was two-fold: defeat evil and strengthen the United States.

At the heart of AAF ideology is Marxism, defining every struggle in economic terms. They hate personal liberty, personal responsibility and self reliance in any traditional American sense. They cannot understand or accept the concept of evil, and The Greater Good is defined as social and economic equality. For example, the problem of crime among America’s minorities is not related to cultural or moral values, but is purely the result of economic inequality – poverty. It is all about Bourgeoisie vs. Proletariat. AAF icons Lenin, Marx and Stalin created a ruling, privileged class. Not unlike the nobles hand-picked by a king. That is the worldview, and their entitled position of power, the AAF promotes.

Author Dennis Prager says the reasons for AAF refusal to label evil are not only psychological: fear of confrontation, fear of fighting, fear of dying, loathing of authority figures (whether parental, divine, etc.). They are ideological. The AAF has different values from the rest of us. Regarding anti-Americanism, since the mid-1960s, AAF abandoned liberal anti-Communism in favor of anti-anti-Communism. Their denial of evil did not allow opposition to the mass murderers of Beijing, Moscow, Hanoi, Phnom Penh, and Pyongyang. Rather they declared evil-fighters (specifically the US) as being evil. Hence, condemnation as imperialist, degenerate capitalists came to America and a handful of other nations that openly opposed communistic ideology.

The horrific attack on US soil on 9/11 changed policies, perceptions and worldviews for most Americans. The unthinkable had happened, and the enemy from abroad was unlike anything we had ever encountered. For the AAF it posed a huge dilemma: someone like Timothy McVeigh was easily called evil because he came from the fringe Right, but labeling Islamic terrorists as evil has not been possible. Again and again, they repeated the mantra, “What has America done to make them hate us?” Surely we can talk and seek approval from non-allied nations or the America-hating UN, but we cannot mount a realistic policy of demonstrating America’s strength and resolve.

The AAF will not publicly acknowledge the facts: that Imam is appointed by God and is therefore infallible. The authority of the Messenger of Allah upon the believers is unlimited and all-comprehensive. Any order given by him, under any condition, in any place, at any time, is to be obeyed unconditionally. Since the seventh century some fundamentalist extremist Muslims have misinterpreted some words and sentences that are written in the Qur’an, such as “Jihad” (holy war), “Mujahideen” (holy warriors), Kuffar” (infidels), martyrs, martyrdom, and so forth. Radical extremists have been completely brainwashed. They think if they kill the infidel Christians and Jews, who are the enemy of Islam, they will be martyrs, enter heaven. Openly acknowledging the true nature of this threat to the US would disallow a major platform in the AAF agenda, so they must take the side of the enemy!

Living through a decade of attacks and continuing threats to the United States has only strengthened AAF positions and political rhetoric. Politicizing the nation’s efforts against this heinous and challenging enemy simply diverts attention from their true agenda. In a country where local to national elections provide only 20 – 40 percent of eligible voters, AAF subversion is already working. In The Shadow Party author David Horowitz provides a detailed historical perspective on AAF movements.

Declaring that President Bush is singularly more dangerous than Islamic terrorists, financier George Soros denounced Bush for “equating freedom with American values.” Through the Open Society Institute and Soros Foundation Network, former Sixties radicals found a well funded vehicle for regime change in America. Institute and Network president Aryeh Neier was founder of Students for a Democratic Society. The SDS was most responsible for fanning anti-war flames in the Vietnam era, and then transformed itself into the Weather Underground which “declared war on ‘Amerikkka’” and bombed the Pentagon and US Capitol.

Neier worked for the ACLU 15 years, serving as director 1970-1978. Morton Halperin, mentored by Neier, directed the ACLU’s Center for National Security Studies which sought to cut US defense spending and hamstring US intelligence capabilities. More recently one of Halperin’s principal assignments on the Soros Team is to battle post-September 11 policies that threaten civil liberties of Americans.” Somehow the protections of American civil liberties and rights under America’s system of jurisprudence have extended to non-citizens, terrorists and combatants detained through the war on terror. Even the Geneva Conventions do not apply to non-national, non-uniformed guerilla fighters.

Between 1998 and 2004 Soros’ Institute gave nearly $19 million to the ACLU. During that time the ACLU stayed busy clogging courts with lawsuits to stop the use of military commissions, forbid harsh interrogations of terrorist suspects, allow Muslims to wear head coverings to obscure their identity in government ID photos, block the NSA from intercepting communications between terror suspects, and much more.

According to AP reports in 2000, front organizations like ACORN and the Working Families Party were “created to help push the Democratic Party toward the left.” People like Hillary Clinton are key factors to the movement and its necessary infiltration of the American middle class. Hillary’s mentor Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals and once offered Hillary a job with his Industrial Areas Foundation.

Using historical methods of communist and socialist infiltration, Hillary has served as the perfect spokesperson for regime change even to the point of cultivating a “moderate” or “centrist” public image. Alinsky was a master of infiltration. He said, “Even if all the low-income parts of our population were organized – all the blacks, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Appalachian poor whites - it would not be enough to get significant, needed changes.” Revolution had to come gradually by manipulating institutions with deep roots in the community such as churches, unions, ethnic organizations and local political machines. His stated target: “America’s white middle class, with a special role for white, middle class activists such as Hillary Rodham, whom he saw as potential emissaries to the American heartland.”

To what end? In Soros’ own words, for “regime change in the United States.” Seven months after American troops entered Iraq in 2003, and just before the first Democratic primaries, Soros charged that “extremists had seized the American government and were seeking to dominate the world.” In 2005 Soros’ Open Society Institute helped launch the Progressive Legislation Action Network (PLAN). Partners in the project included Soros-funded Center for American Progress (run by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta), Soros-funded MoveOn, the AFL-CIO, Service Employees International Union, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, and the United Steel Workers. Led by democratic activists David Sirota and Steve Doherty, its purported mission is to seed state legislatures with pre-written, “model” legislation reflecting their leftist goals.

We are at war. The radical AAF has found a home in the co-opted Democratic Party. The Democratic leadership loves Western Europe because the EU is composed of welfare states where socialism is the way of life. They cannot envision a world without the UN because it is actively anti-US, anti-freedom, anti-liberty and anti-capitalist. Infiltration and subversion of American ideals, institutions and values is well under way.

Former Secretary of Education, now author William Bennett provides a clear perspective about America and its unique role in the world. His book, America, the Last Best Hope is a no-spin look at America’s history from 1492 to 1914. He quotes Ronnie Reagan saying, “If we forget what we have done, we will forget who we are.”


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