
Refusal of the Line

April 12, 2006

America saw conflict grow into revolution in 1776. Early Americans were willing to die for personal, political and economic liberty. Some still felt loyalty to the mother country. Some believed a war was not winnable or the costs too high. Among the Patriots were rich and poor, educated and ignorant. But they shared a belief from which was born a new nation. Two hundred thirty years later our proud heritage and culture is again faced with a kind of revolution.

During June 1863 Colonel Josh Chamberlain literally saved Little Round Top, and thwarted a Confederate siege on Washington, by ordering a complex military maneuver called “refusal of the line.” Risky and subject to fail, extending his line and angling position protected his flank. It made his smaller force impenetrable. We must again “refuse the line” so many are attempting to break.

In 1971 Frito Bandito was banished from commercial use. The Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee (more hyphenated-Half-Americans) claimed racism. They protested publicly that the Bandito spread the message that “Hispanics are sneaky thieves.” In truth Bandito devised some ingenious ways to fleece gringos of their corn chips.

The "Mexican bandit" cliché often seen in western movies has a new twist. Americans are still getting fleeced – in medical care, education, low wages and political corruption. Today they are crossing the border, not as guests but as a thief in the night. The Hispanic Invasion is a result of CAFTA, porous borders and corrupt politicians. U.S. business interests buy-off politicians to sustain cheap labor. Un-American socialists rally to the cause on so-called moral grounds. And the most hideous fact is that neither our Congress nor the Georgia legislature will grow a spine to protect our borders, security or economy.

They desire liberties only the United States can offer. Yet they refuse the culture, language and legal system those liberties entail. The thousands of illegals marching in the streets don’t care about citizenship. They know they can achieve protected status, and literally steal all rights of citizenship. The illegals flaunt their anchor babies. They work to send U.S. dollars back across the border. Crowded into apartments or houses with fifteen to twenty fellow laborers, standing on corners seeking day labor, accepting low wages and no benefits, these people now comprise America’s under-class. People seeking a socialist and ultimately classless society, or those who strive for oppressive control, “champion” the illegals’ cause, but are truly seeking corporate profit or a new voting bloc.

The line is drawn. Frito Bandito may not be America’s enemy, but neither is he entitled to rights of citizenship. Our laws, culture, language, tax dollars and heritage as a country is on that line. We must not allow politicians or businesses, in league with illegal immigrants, to violate our hard-earned American core values. Again, we must order a refusal of the line. Those weak-kneed members of Congress and the state legislature will hear your orders on Election Day.


Blogger Larrys said...

Point-Counter Point posted at

Great article...I only wish to point out that while the rhetoric sounds good, stand up and fight illegals, be careful what you wish for.

SB529 sounds good for the base conservative right voters, but most of the bill is already federal law. We do not need additional laws...enforce those in place. Cut funding to some of the insane programs that continue to get funding from congress and put the money in enforcement.

This would rid us of the real problem, open borders. Immigration to our country is a good thing, my family came through New York from Ireland and Scotland legally. Those that are here and are productive members of society need to pay into the system. Give them work visas find out who they are collect SS and taxes from them. Those that commit felonies get them out now!

There is always more than one way to skin a cat. The GOP needs to be careful in order that we do not lose the largest growing voting bloc and become an obsolete party in the next 20 years.

Just a thought...I am all for enforcement...not panic and knee jerk reactions.


April 13, 2006 6:27 AM  
Blogger Larrys said...


I could not agree more that the real problem is porous borders - and lack of any attempt to enforce laws already on the books.

I do not agree that "SB529 sounds good for the base conservative." The loopholes are painfully obvious:

Tax penalty for employers who claim the illegal for income tax...

Employers must document workers claimed for tax purposes...

The illegals are not documented or taxed now. What possible enforcement clause will make it happen in the future?? Removing immediate accountability from employers broke the law's back.

My editorial was intended to raise ire and point the fickle finger of fate at political corruption that hides behind courting a voting bloc. For me, that is not rhetoric but the fact we saw in SB529.

How can we give them work visas, find out who they are collect SS and taxes from them? Why would an employer participate in this plan - he would kill his golden goose. And the illegal alien would face SS and income taxes he now avoids. In reality, an I-9 form is too easy to hide behind.

Even the failed Congressional attempts spell "amnesty and open borders." Somehow the concept that America can and will defend its borders must be acted upon through principle, not political strategery.

Imagine yourself in the US military, under fire in a foreign land to defend the laws and cultural and society back home. Then you learn there is no Congressional intention to protect and support your honest devotion. What then? There is more at stake than the Party becoming passe in a few years.

I do not advocate "fighting the illegals." If anything, I fear violence that may erupt. I strongly support enforcement and deportation. I strongly support removing the incentive for illegal aliens to cross the borders - that means plaing a burden on the employers.

When I see illegals proudly proclaiming the number of years they have been here, how many US born kids they now have, and where they work, I do not see a potential voter. I loathe the fact our government will allow the violator to continue with impunity.

When my kid is sick I must pay the hospital bill. My kid's school is supported with my tax dollars. Every governmental program that provides assistance to low income families is supported by my tax dollars. These are obligations we citizens and legal immigrants accept freely. I feel no obligation to provide support for illegals who are simply scamming the system.


April 13, 2006 6:28 AM  

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