
Will HB1033 die in committee?

Hello all,

At a local blog site, Mary Todd wrote, “Representative Lunsford, Representative Davis and Senator Douglas have listened to the Henry County citizens and support a referendum on the proposed commuter rail line.” That was when Lunsford introduced HB 1033 and appeared to truly represent taxpayers.

But wait….
(1) Lunsford introduced HB 1033 with the stated intention of allowing taxpayers a referendum on whether to tax ourselves.
(2) Lunsford toned down the anti-rail rhetoric. Now he says he isn't opposed to commuter trains; he simply wants to find better ways to fund operations.
(3) HB 1033 legislation appears to be going nowhere. It was sent into the Transportation sub-committee weeks ago and has not resurfaced.
(4) Lunsford is the chairman of the Henry County legislative delegation, and Senior Hawk in the Republican-led House.

WHY HAS Rep. Lunsford allowed this taxpayer-friendly legislation to die on the vine?

Monday, March 13th is Crossover Day at the General Assembly. Any bill that has not been passed to the other chamber (House to Senate, or Senate to House) will not be passed after March 13th.

By allowing HB 1033 to remain dormant in sub-committee, Rep. Lunsford is killing it.

Politics at its worst! Rep. Lunsford stirred the pot. He looked good while he openly defended taxpayers. Now what?

Please send email to Rep. Lunsford at john.lunsford@house.ga.gov, or call him at 404.656.7573 (Capitol) or 770.914.6796 (Home). Ask him about his intentions. Ask him what we are supposed to think now.

I am very interested in hearing any responses you get. Stay in touch with me at hc.citizen@yahoo.com

Thank you for caring!


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