
Kay Has Gotta Go!

Pushing political buttons, creating discord is Ms. Pippin’s trademark

You can be sincere and still be very wrong. Such is the case with the leadership at the Chamber of Commerce. They have opposed, and tried to kill any hope of, a referendum on financing a commuter rail. Executive Director Kay Pippin sent emails to Chamber members soliciting “strength in numbers” to prevent taxpayers from voting. It would appear the stated vision, to be the most respected voice of business in Henry County, was betrayed.

Americans place trust in respected authority figures. The Henry Chamber is even financed with local tax dollars. Under Ms. Pippin’s direction, and claiming to speak for all 800 dues-paying members, they determined that taxpayers should not be allowed to vote on a 50-year multi-million dollar tax subsidy. No, only the Chamber and politicians they can influence are entitled to make such a decision.

The governor’s Congestion Mitigation Task Force came up with computer modeling that has won approvals at the state Department of Transportation, the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority and Governor Perdue. Under a preliminary ARC test of the formula, the controversial commuter rail to Lovejoy fell off the construction list, said John Orr at the ARC. David Doss, chairman of the state Transportation Board, said this approach may dump hundreds of unworthy transportation projects and political pork.

Animosity between the Chamber’s executive director and our elected legislators is well known. Ms. Pippin was unsuccessful in her 2000 campaign for state representative. Although John Lunsford won that election, Ms. Pippin has remained his adversary. Rep. Lunsford, Senior Republican Hawk in the state House, sponsored HB 1033 requiring a referendum. Rep. Steve Davis, an outspoken opponent of the rail, has also experienced the wrath of Ms. Pippin. Rep. Davis is Deputy Majority Whip and sits on the House Transportation Committee.

Pushing political buttons and creating discord is Ms. Pippin’s trademark. District II Commissioner Mathis has a problem that the Chamber has “chosen the other side of the fence.” District III Commissioner Stamey also strongly supports the taxpayers’ right to vote on the issue.

The Chamber Board of Directors voted unanimously to oppose a referendum. Taxpayers and citizens of Henry County are owed a sincere public apology. They should reverse their position and notify state officials they were wrong and misguided. Otherwise they have no right to support from us. No tax money, and a boycott of member businesses is what they deserve.

Our Chamber of Commerce should fill a progressive, powerful role for the good of Henry County and the region. The Chamber must regain its position of respect, honesty and fair dealing. It is beneath their stature to promote unworthy transportation projects and political pork.

Our communities thrive when citizens, business associations and elected officials recognize value in differing opinions – yet never use backroom treachery to disenfranchise the citizenry. Animosity and adversarial conflict prove that Ms. Pippin is the wrong person to represent Henry County in any capacity.


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