
Chamber of Commerce Against Taxpayer Vote

Chamber of Commerce Wants a Blank Check from Taxpayers

Much has been said about the Voter ID law. The governor and a majority of our legislature believe that honest and fair elections are a must. We have elections and votes on major tax issues (bonds, sales tax, MARTA) because taxpayers are entitled to a voice in these matters. We still believe in government by the people.

State Rep. John Lunsford introduced House Bill 1033 specifically to require a voter referendum on financing operating costs for a commuter rail. He said, “It's really not about a commuter rail line as much as it is about rights and justice.”

Norfolk Southern wants $8 million to upgrade their tracks. The fare box will not generate enough income to support the business venture. Clayton County would hit taxpayers for $4 million every year. The rail was important in recent Hampton elections, and its supporters lost! Rep. Steve Davis proved the financial impact is not justifiable. So, voters deserve the ability to tell elected officials what we want.

Our Chamber of Commerce would deny that voice all together. The Chamber of Commerce Board voted unanimously to oppose HB 1033, trying to deny voters a voice. And they are lobbying the state legislature to kill the bill. They say “The commuter rail project is an important environmental justice initiative.” They say a referendum would hurt our government’s ability to serve the people. In truth, they support a blank check that taxpayers would have to pay. Apparently they will say anything to promote their agenda.

The only way to force a taxpayer subsidy for Southern Railway AND give developers free reign is to DENY US A VOTE! As marketer and advertiser for business, the Henry Chamber of Commerce is slapping every taxpayer in the face!

Henry County supports the Chamber with the Hotel/Motel tax. In FY 2004-05 we gave them $135,580. Since the Chamber wants to deny voter’s rights and do whatever they like, they should not be funded with any tax generated in Henry County. The Chamber should never get a dime of any tax money until they change policies, direction and leadership.

Our commissioners should refuse them inclusion on any steering committee; and remove them from the official list of County Boards and Authorities. Our elected officials should rescind their official memberships. Maybe these actions would remind the Chamber of Commerce they have no right to deny voters a place at the table!

Larry Stanley
McDonough, GA
January 29, 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the Republic of these United States we have the ability to choose Representation in government, a true freedom. These representatives listen to the concerns of their constituents to govern. Representative Lunsford, Representative Davis and Senator Douglas have listened to the Henry County citizens and support a referendum on the proposed commuter rail line. Kay Pippin on the other hand is running the chamber without listening to all the membership. The Chamber’s Board needs to fully examine the membership’s desires by polling them. It would be interesting to see how the rank and file would vote. Perhaps it would be supportive but broad backing is waning for the commuter rail as it has been presented. The blank check policy Kay Pippin and the closed door policy makers of the chamber might be surprised at the results of asking their membership what is wanted in Henry County.

It is time to change the face of the Chamber with a more responsive less totalitarian leadership.

The amount of animosity between the elected state delegation and the Chamber’s leadership is amazing and shameful. It stems from Kay Pippin’s defeat for State Representative to Representative Lunsford in 2000. Pippins loss could be the problem with the lack of relationship between the two entities. Pippin finds herself at odds with the delegation and takes time to publicly brow beat them at Chamber functions. Representative Davis has been the brunt of many out lashings by Pippin over the last year due to Davis asking that all information be discussed and not just a slanted foggy view by Pippin. Recently at a Chamber breakfast function Pippin verbally thrashed Representative Lunsford for asking that the tax payers have a voice in the decision on the commuter rail line. This public beating of our elected officials when they are not there to answer the falsehoods is Pippin’s hallmark and is distasteful to say the least. Pippin is constantly finding ways to point out dissention and never offers to work with the delegation. She is the wrong person for the face of Henry County’s businesses. We need to see the Chamber look at proactive leadership for the betterment of all Henry County. Pippin’s stance is wrong and her tenure needs to end.

The irony if this is the Chamber of Commerce is supposed to be looking at how to expand the economy of Henry and not constricting it. By forcing additional taxes upon citizens they take money out of the economy.

What happens when you give people a chance to keep more of their money? The economy expands by more spending. Henry County is fast becoming known in the Atlanta metro area as an overtaxing county and by adding more taxation to subsidize the blank check Pippin offers up is absolutely wrong. Today when people struggle to pay rising heating costs, when people struggle to pay mortgages, today when they struggle to pay for higher gasoline and struggle to send their children to college or save for retirement Kay Pippin’s stance is dead wrong for the homeowners of Henry County. The last twelve quarters of economic growth and prosperity stems from President Bush’s 2003 lead tax cuts. More jobs have been created in the last three years than in Japan and Europe by not taking more taxes from the American people. Kay Pippin’s blank check for more taxes could easily cost as much as $100,000,000.00 over the life of the rail. How much money does she want to take form Home owners? The answer is not to raise taxes as Pippin desires. Spending cuts and tax cuts are a better way to improve Henry’s economy not by adding additional taxes and additional spending.

I opt to trusting the American people with their money and not levying additional burdens to pay for luxury items. You just can not take money from people by writing blank checks because Kay Pippin thinks it is a good idea and she thinks she is better able to manage our money.

It is time to voice your opinion with the Chamber of Commerce. If you see a membership sign at a business let them know how you feel about the commuter rail and Kay Pippin’s involvement. Let them know your view on openly trouncing our elected officials she is at personal odds with. Tell that business owner Kay has got to go! If that doesn’t work then vote with your dollars and boycott Chamber members businesses and tell them why.

February 01, 2006 8:43 PM  

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