
No Taxes For Commuter Rail

We all know that beggars cannot be choosers, right? Not if you listen to a small number of people complain that somebody did not do enough for folks on the Gulf Coast, or fast enough to suit them. The first complainers and finger-pointers were the very people whop failed in their duties: Mayor Nagin, Governor Blanco and (especially) Senator Landrieu. Of course the liberal chorus joined in very quickly and the news media built a national frenzy from a pack of lies and liberal whining.

The liberal mindset plagues us in Georgia, too. For example we have appointed members of the Georgia Transportation Board like Dana Lemon, appointed by Sen. David Scott to represent Clayton County and a small part of Henry County. She is a diehard advocate of the commuter rail to run from Atlanta to the southernmost reaches of the earth. Lemon, however, admits the need for funding alternatives. Her position is to follow Sen. Scott and Clayton commission chair Eldrin Bell regardless of whether the grand scheme can be financed! All the while begging for another government subsidy for Norfolk Southern Railway and greedy developers along the rail’s path, she has completely failed to provide representation for the citizens of Henry County.

Dana Lemon, supposedly serving part of Henry County, does not want to hear what taxpayers have to say. She is a stealth weapon used by liberals because she has no accountability to voters or citizens. She has ignored real elected representatives like Clayton’s commissioner Wole Ralph Sen. Seay and Henry’s Rep. Davis, commissioner BJ Mathis and the Hampton City Council. She has ignored even the 2,000 Clayton taxpayers who signed letters opposing the rail.

Henry citizens do not like taxes. But the liberal mind sees only a bottomless bowl of money and no desired project is too expensive. They will simply talk about funding alternatives while signing 50-year agreements with the state. That is because they do not respect Other People’s Money. As politicians or appointed activists, they believe tax revenue is THEIR money to be used to buy patronage, influence and votes.

We know the motivation is to remain in office and in power. Georgia’s liberals use the same plantation mentality as the failed system in Louisiana. Keep the least among us dependent on government – through us, by us and for us. As one Henry County taxpayer, I believe a rail system would be a nice luxury but of no tangible purpose to 99% of the county. If Norfolk Southern wants to operate the system, all private enterprise and the free market dictate its funding. As for me, Dana Lemon has no credibility and I want her hands – and Scott’s and Bell’s hands – out of my pocket!
November 18, 2005 9:28 PM

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