
Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis

Maybe we should not label each other, but it seems like an easy way to categorize folks. Georgia Redneck says about all you need to know about a person. But labels like conservative and liberal are harder to crack. Are we talking about religion, politics or social policy? And, can we really separate those aspects of our lives?

It has been said that liberals make decisions, and then do something else. Conservatives make decisions and then do as their grandparents did. It is amazing how often old stereotypes hold true.

The real problem for some people is they do not know what they really believe. It is easy to grab onto a currently popular idea, or whatever Dr. Phil and Oprah said. But that is pure intellectual mush! In order to stand for something, you must open your eyes and think for yourself. You can’t guess; you gotta know!

Are you pro-choice? Does that mean you oppose people who choose against abortion? If so, what does “choice” mean? We must be careful about making decisions on sound bites and buzzwords.

Is there too much government in our lives, given the taxes we pay on everything including our paychecks, houses, cars and clothes? We see abuse of state and federal programs by people who literally choose not to work. We see corporations move off-shore to avoid paying taxes, and then receive huge government contracts. Do you agree there is little justice for the American taxpayer and the system must be fixed?

The other side of that coin, obviously, is that we need more taxation. Otherwise we cannot expand the largeness of government to include more services, more programs and more ways to regulate our lives. The word “coin” was intentional -- after taxes we are left with little more than coins in our pockets.

How about the fourth amendment to the U.S. Constitution? It says, in part,”The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses…” Political debates over original intent of our right to privacy have been used on both sides of issues like same-sex marriage. But Judeo-Christian prohibitions against homosexuality are not ambiguous and leave no room for “what if” arguments.

A majority of Americans (90% claims Christianity, Judaism or Islam) do not interpret man’s law outside the framework of God’s law. For historical American ideals to work, the two cannot be mutually exclusive. When such dilemmas arise, concern for eternal damnation will naturally affect decision making. Otherwise we risk denying the entirety of our historical, religious and legal foundations.

Many real problems just compound our self examination. States and cities are using eminent domain law to remove our property rights. We have over 11 million illegal immigrants, with staggering costs to American taxpayers. We have drugs on our streets and teen pregnancy is rising. So much in our world has gone far afield from historical family and national values. Can we really say that “new and progressive” makes more sense, or somehow works better?

In our world the liberal approach is simple: Whatever Dr. Phil says must be right. Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi are the true defenders of justice. Each situation must be judged on the basis of inclusion, acceptance, a level playing field, and of course, feeling good about the results. That means no firm rules, except whatever we decide today. Right and wrong and morality are not absolutes and their application should change with the times. Ethics is a term whose legal definition necessarily exempts those who are most in need of legal restrictions. Simple enough; and the mainstream media provide daily reminders of these facts.

True conservatives deal in absolutes and principles; and they stand firm in their resolve. Conservatives understand the historical religious influence on our culture, and understand that freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM it.

Conservatives prefer saying “It Takes a Family,” rather than a village. They believe in America for Americans, and care little for the opinions of European elitists. They revere the honor and sacrifices of American military families, and will not accept a cut-and-run policy. They want to see America as the world’s steadfast defender of liberty.

Real conservatives defend America’s capitalist economy. There is not a socialist bone in their bodies! Forced redistribution of personal wealth is pure Marxism – and opposite everything that defines the American Dream of personal success. The common good is provided through policies that make America stronger.

Remember, labels mean very little. You gotta know what you really believe in!


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